Search results: 119

Sex Trafficking
Human trafficking consists of different types of trafficking, including labor trafficking and sex trafficking. This course will focus on the growing problem of sex trafficking in Georgia. Sex Trafficking is a hard topic to discuss, but in order to end trafficking, it is important to recognize and discuss the signs. As an officer, you are the one who will encounter traffickers and their victims during the normal course of operations - such as, routine traffic stops, on domestic violence calls, while inspecting liquor licenses, and when intercepting truant children. It's time to recognize the signs, and fight back against in human trafficking in Georgia.

Sexual Assault Evidence Collection
The Sexual Assault Investigation: Evidence Collection online course is designed to explain rapist typologies and introduce officers to skills and techniques for identifying, collecting, and preserving evidence during sexual assault investigations.

Sexual Assault Investigation Best Practices
The Sexual Assault Investigation: SART Best Practices online course is designed to provide officers with skills and techniques for investigating sexual assault cases. This course introduces officers to the skills needed for the initial response, explains how to incorporate a victim-centered and trauma-informed approach to investigations, techniques of an offender-based response, and cultural competency for sexual assault investigations.

Sexual Assault Investigation: Understanding Trauma and its Impact on Victims of Sexual Assault
The Sexual Assault Investigation: Understanding Trauma and its Impact on Victims of Sexual Assault Course is an interactive online course designed to provide officers with skills and techniques to utilize when responding to sexual assault calls for service. The course assists responding officers with skills to recognize psychological trauma and techniques to effectively interact with victims of sexual assault.

Smoke Alarm Installation Programs
Given the need to increase community safety, students will be able to plan and implement a community smoke alarm installation program in accordance with best practices and national recommendations.

Sovereign Citizen Encounters
This course is designed to familiarize officers with individuals with sovereign citizen and violent extremism ideals an officer may encounter during their tour of duty. Students in this course will be provided with communication skills that may be helpful during encounters with these individuals.

Speech Disorders
Speech Disorders is a two hour independent online course designed to provide communications officers an in-depth overview of speech disorders that can hinder effective communication with callers. This course covers a variety of topics to include: the requirements for emergency communications, different types of speech disorders, and the differences between stuttering and cluttering. Upon completion of this training, communications officers will be equipped with the skills needed to communicate with callers that have communication disabilities due to speech disorders.

Start the Conversation
Start the Conversation is a video-based informational briefing designed to provide students with information about public safety induced stress and PTSD. It also provides public safety personnel with information for recognizing the symptoms of stress, PTSD, and suicide. The video includes personal stories from public safety personnel from law enforcement, fire, ems, and communications. Information is provided about peer support, CISM, and other resources available to public safety when faced with stress, PTSD, thoughts of suicide, and line of duty injuries or deaths.

State Gas Card Program
This course is required for any GPSTC employee who could potentially drive a state vehicle. The course, developed by the Department of Administrative Services Office of Fleet Management, provides employees with information regarding the use of the statewide fuel card standards and guidelines. Additionally, the course provides employees the opportunity to review GPSTC policy 5.0015, "State Gas Card Program" and to acknowledge the differences between the state policy and our stricter GPSTC policy.

Succession Development - Preparing Candidates for Fire Chief
This independent online course provides fire service leaders with an overview of succession development strategies. This course provides one hour of training for those in the fire service.

Taking Action Against Cancer in the Fire Service
The purpose of this course is to increase awareness of the risks associated with cancer in the firefighting profession and provide mitigation strategies to decrease firefighter job-related deaths attributable to cancer.

Test Management & Administration
Test Management and Administration is a three hour interactive online course designed for academy instructors. This course contains instruction for managing and administering tests, including information pertaining to the ideal testing environment, test irregularities, and test security.

The Realities of Organized Crime

Transporting Prisoners
This independent online training module is designed to present law enforcement officers with information to enhance their safety while transporting prisoners.

Turning Anguish Into Advocacy – A Father’s Journey to Make Schools Safer After the Parkland School Shooting
This video podcast episode features an interview between Max Schachter and GPSTC host Kevin Angell, Ph.D. as they highlight Max's journey from anguish to advocacy. Max shares his pain, vulnerability, and unrelenting drive for accountability during the four years since his son was murdered in the Parkland, Florida school shooting. Max speaks not only from the perspective of a father of a victim of mass violence, he is also a commissioner on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission that was tasked with investigating the worst high school shooting in US history. He has worked as an advisor to the FBI and U.S. Secret Service on preventing targeted violence, and he is a staunch advocate for developing a standard of care to assist law enforcement leaders following a mass event.

United Success: Interoperability with the Department of Community Supervision
In this course, students will gain an understanding of the operations of the Department of Community Supervision (DCS), and how the Department of Community Supervision can assist the student in the performance of their duties as a law enforcement officer.

Use of Force
This online course meets the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council requirement for all peace officers to complete training on the Constitutional and legal limitations of the use of force. This course does not fulfill the de-escalation training requirements. To fulfill that requirement, you may take the Introduction to De-escalation Options for Gaining Compliance course or the Autism and De-escalation course.

Use of Force Video Podcast
This video podcast episode features an interview between GPSTC host Kevin Angell, Ph.D, Glyn Corbitt from GPSTC, and Chris Hosey from the GBI. The three discuss case law pertaining to use of force, objective reasonableness, where we are today with understanding use of force, and much more. They discuss Graham v. Connor and some of the pit falls that we see in report writing and documenting use of force.

Vehicle Pullovers
This independent online training module is designed to present law enforcement officers with information to enhance their safety while conducting vehicle pullovers.