Search results: 119

Handling TTY Calls
This independent online course provides communication officers with an overview of legal requirements that impact communication impairments, a review of TTY equipment, and proper protocol when communicating with TTY users.

Hate Crimes
This course is focused on the steady increase of hate crimes in Georgia over the past few years. Bias crimes can have a unique effect on the victim. Therefore, it is vital to learn about hate crimes and how to respond. Topics will include hate crimes and characteristics, effective police response to hate crimes, and the ongoing role of law enforcement with victims and the community. All public safety professionals need to be able to identify and report hate crimes; the information in this course provides a basic awareness of the issue and will be helpful to all public safety disciplines.

Human Trafficking and the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
The Human Trafficking and CSEC online course provides public safety personnel with information needed to help identify potential cases of human trafficking. The course contains tips for interacting with possible victims, including how to approach and communicate with them in a way that enhances cooperation and furthers the investigation. Students will learn what they can do to assist victims of trafficking. Additionally, students will learn about available resources to aid in the investigation.

Human Trafficking Awareness for Telecommunicators
This course is designed to highlight how telecommunicators must be properly equipped with resources to combat human trafficking. Human Trafficking Awareness for Telecommunicators will focus on defining human trafficking, describing indicators of human trafficking, and suggesting appropriate assistance resources.

Human Trafficking Awareness Training
This online training course provides you with an understanding of how human trafficking affects our State and how you can be part of the solution to help eliminate this problem in our communities. As a State employee and public servant, you play an important role in all aspects of Georgia business. As such, you may encounter human trafficking victims in your own community. By teaching you to identify red flags and outlining steps for reporting human trafficking, you will become a trained eye working to stop this crime. Georgia believes in the power of knowledge and is committed to the ideal that an informed public is its best asset – Awareness is Georgia's strongest tool!

Inmate Manipulation
This course will identify manipulation techniques inmates attempt to use against employees, and will provide employees with the knowledge to prevent inmate manipulation.

Instructor Training Level I (MAR 2025)
This course is designed for the public safety officer who instructs in performance oriented training and is responsible for lesson plan development. Topics range from instructor liability and lesson plan design, to testing and evaluation of learning. During the course, each student writes an original lesson plan on an approved public safety topic and develops the presentation skills necessary to deliver that lesson.

Instructor Training Level II (MAR 2025)

Intellectual and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
This course is designed to provide public safety personnel the information they need to recognize when a person has an intellectual or neurodevelopmental disability and how to best respond to the unique needs of these individuals. Intellectual and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities will provide techniques to identify individuals, describe common law enforcement encounters, explain the rate of victimization, and review general rules for de-escalation.

Introduction to CJCC Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System
This course is designed to provide the law enforcement community the tools they need to better serve sexual assault survivors through the use of the CJCC Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System (SAKTS), mandated by House Bill 255, "The Sexual Assault Reform Act of 2021." CJCC has created a system to track sexual assault kits from initial collection through receipt, analysis, and storage. In addition to law enforcement, the reform act requires all forensic medical providers and the state crime lab to participate in the system and to provide updated information on any sexual assault kits in their possession. This course is video-based and will provide students with information on those entities required to participate in the SAKTS program, guidelines for accessing and navigating the SAKTS, and how to access reports in the system.

Introduction to Color/Honor Guard (MAR 2025)
The purpose of this course is to introduce those Public Safety personnel who are interested in joining a Color/Honor Guard, or who are new members of a Color/Honor Guard, to the basic protocols of Color/Honor Guard activities.

Introduction to Community-Based Sexual Assault Response Teams for Local Law Enforcement
This course provides an introduction to the community-based Sexual Assault Response Team (SART).

Introduction to Gangs in Georgia
The course provides officers with information regarding gangs, the Georgia Street Gang Prevention and Terrorism Act, and how to better interact with gangs in the State of Georgia. Topics will include barriers faced by uniform patrol officers with gang investigations, different types of gangs and the importance of their identification, gang indicators and their meanings, and reasons for joining gangs.

Introduction to Next Generation 911
The purpose of this course is to introduce telecommunicators and other emergency responders to Next Generation 911, in order to help them understand the operational impact of the emerging technologies related to this shift from legacy 911.

Introduction to Sexual Assault Response
This course will focus on introducing officers to protocols on how to properly respond to cases involving sexual assault. Topics will include: key principles to interacting with and interviewing victims, understanding the suspect interview from the SART perspective, identifying the four typologies of adult sexual assault offenders, discussing the current state of DNA collection in Georgia, and expanded DNA testing, providing additional resources available through the Task Force in order to seek justice for families of victims in cold case homicides with a sexual assault component, identifying screening questions for obtaining a strangulation history, and determining signs and symptoms of strangulation, and evidence collection.

Introduction to Terrorism
This course will identify terrorist objectives and motivations, differentiate the categories of international and domestic terrorism, and review historical and potential tactics of terrorists.

Journey to Midnight with Matt Griffin
This video podcast episode features an interview between Matt Griffin and GPSTC host Kevin Angell, Ph.D. as they highlight Matt's journey through some of the hardest times in his life. Matt shares his emotional story about his law enforcement career, personal life, and more and what led him to believe that suicide was the answer to everything. Matt discusses some of the worst moments in his career and life and how they affected him mentally. Matt and Kevin talk about the book, Journey to Midnight, which is the memoir about his traumatic journey as US Navy Search and Rescue swimmer to a career as a police officer and undercover cop. Matt shares the heartbreak of divorce, the joy of single fatherhood, the dark streets of the drug underworld, and the thing that almost killed him, which claimed the lives of 228 police officers in 2019, and 22 military veterans per day - SUICIDE.

Leadership in Public Safety: Theory & Practice (FEB 2025)
This course will lay the foundation for our next generation of leaders to become successful supervisors. Completion of the course provides the student with knowledge and skills needed and used by a first-line supervisor. Leaders today are expected to have technical and professional competence in their jobs as well as competence in interpersonal relations. Students will participate in groups, open forum discussions, and complete multiple reading assignments and projects to further their understanding of the learning objectives.

Leadership in Public Safety: Theory & Practice (MAR 2025)
This course will lay the foundation for our next generation of leaders to become successful supervisors. Completion of the course provides the student with knowledge and skills needed and used by a first-line supervisor. Leaders today are expected to have technical and professional competence in their jobs as well as competence in interpersonal relations. Students will participate in groups, open forum discussions, and complete multiple reading assignments and projects to further their understanding of the learning objectives.