Search results: 119

Fire and Life Safety Educator II (MAR 2025)
This course is a continuation of Fire and Life Safety I designed to provide the public fire and life safety educator with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully perform the requirements of a Fire and Life Safety Educator II as required by NFPA 1030 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Prevention Program Positions, Chapter 10.

Fire Investigator - Module 1 (MAY 2025)

Fire Investigator - Module 2 (FEB 2025)
This course provides comprehensive, in-depth knowledge and resources to candidates who are charged with the responsibility of investigating and analyzing fire and explosion incidents and rendering opinions as to the origin, cause, or prevention of fire incidents and the damage and injuries from such incidents.

Fire Origin & Cause Determination for Company Officers (MAR 2025)
This course will provide suppression personnel and entry-level fire investigators with initial training and education on the fire service responder's responsibility in the process of fire investigations.

Fire Origin & Cause Determination for Company Officers (MAR 25 2025)
This course will provide suppression personnel and entry-level fire investigators with initial training and education on the fire service responder's responsibility in the process of fire investigations.

Fire Services Incident Planning Process - The Planning P
This independent online course provides instruction on Emergency Incident Planning as presented through the National Incident Management System (NIMS). This course provides one hour of training for those in the fire service. Fire Services Incident Planning Process - The Planning P is NOT A POST APPROVED COURSE and therefore WILL NOT BE SUBMITTED FOR POST CREDIT.

Fostering Positive Community Relations
This online course is the first in a series designed to address positive relations between law enforcement officers and the community.

Fundamentals of Drug Identification
This program centers around the recognition of narcotics, controlled substances, and prescription drugs commonly manufactured, sold, possessed, and used in violation of federal and state laws. Topics include defining what a drug is, discussing the seven categories of drugs, and how they are scheduled, examining the most common drugs that a public safety officer may encounter, and how to properly charge an offender. This course will focus on the substances, their identity, and their effects on the human body.

GA CIT Training for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators (FEB 24 2025)
The purpose of this blended course is to teach 9-1-1 telecommunicators advanced telephone de-escalation skills for calls involving consumers with mental illnesses, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and/or who are suicidal, as well as learning to implement self-care techniques for themselves.

GA CIT Training for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators (MAR 11 2025)
The purpose of this blended course is to teach 9-1-1 telecommunicators advanced telephone de-escalation skills for calls involving consumers with mental illnesses, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and/or who are suicidal, as well as learning to implement self-care techniques for themselves.

GA CIT Training for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators (MAR 13 2025)
The purpose of this blended course is to teach 9-1-1 telecommunicators advanced telephone de-escalation skills for calls involving consumers with mental illnesses, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and/or who are suicidal, as well as learning to implement self-care techniques for themselves.

GA CIT Training for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators (MAR 26 2025)
The purpose of this blended course is to teach 9-1-1 telecommunicators advanced telephone de-escalation skills for calls involving consumers with mental illnesses, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and/or who are suicidal, as well as learning to implement self-care techniques for themselves.

GA CIT Training for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators (MAR 4 2025)
The purpose of this blended course is to teach 9-1-1 telecommunicators advanced telephone de-escalation skills for calls involving consumers with mental illnesses, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and/or who are suicidal, as well as learning to implement self-care techniques for themselves.

Gang Awareness
This online course provides officers with information regarding gangs, the Georgia Street Gang Prevention and Terrorism Act, and how to better interact with gangs in the State of Georgia. Topics will include the history of gangs, the significance of social media and gang influence, gang-related crimes, gang indicators and their meanings, and mitigation strategies for gang-related crimes. This course meets POST Governor's Initiative training requirements for gang awareness.

Generative AI
This interactive online course is designed to present GPSTC staff with information to better understand what Generative AI is, its uses on the job, its reliability, and its limitations so as to facilitate a more efficient work flow.

Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Crash Report Update Training
This course will provide law enforcement officers with the updated information contained in the new Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Crash Report. Applicants who complete this online module will receive one (1) hour of POST training credit.