Search results: 117

2024 Legislative Update
The purpose of this course is to provide public safety officers with a brief analysis and summary of the bills and resolutions impacting the criminal justice system that passed during the 2024 annual session of the Georgia General Assembly.

ADA Responsibilities for First Responders
This course is designed to provide students with guidance on the responsibilities of law enforcement officers in regards to ADA requirements, help define "reasonable accommodations" and the circumstances in which they are appropriate to use, and identify strategies for implementing reasonable accommodations for various disabilities.

Advanced Report Writing (MAR 2025)
This interactive course is designed to provide training to law enforcement investigators on writing effective criminal investigative reports. Successful completion meets the POST requirements for Advanced Certification, Criminal Investigator Certification, and Narcotics Investigator Certification.

At-Risk Adults
This course is designed to provide officers with tips for identifying abused, neglected, and exploited adults. Georgia statutes are included for officers to review. At the conclusion of the course, officers will have the tools necessary to conduct effective investigations involving an at-risk adult.

Autism and De-escalation
This interactive online course is designed to ensure that all law enforcement officers have an understanding of de-escalation and dealing with those with autism. This online course meets the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council requirement for all peace officers to complete de-escalation training.

Building Positive Police-Community Relations
Law enforcement agencies who build trust and cooperation with their communities enjoy greater support from members of the public. Part of building trust is through a general understanding of the major ethnic groups within the community, and by practicing appropriate non-enforcement activities. In this course, officers will learn about the diverse ethnic communities in Georgia, and about programs and activities individual officers can take to help promote positive relationships with the community. Course topics include race and ethnicity, perspectives of members of different ethnic groups, the challenges of language barriers, the SARA problem-solving model, a review of the impact that controversial incidents on the broader law enforcement community, and an overview of programs that have been successful in building positive police-community relationships.

Come in From the Rain Video Podcast
This video podcast episode features an interview between Chief David Eddins and GPSTC host Jeff Dean, as they highlight Chief Eddins journey to making the Come in From the Rain video. This video is about mental health in public safety. This video is about mental health in public safety. This podcast goes in to details about how the video came to life and the impact it has has on people in public safety since its release.

Community Risk Reduction for Company Officers
This course will inform the importance of community risk reduction to public safety personnel. This course will provide definitions that are important to community risk reduction, how to start a risk reduction plan, and it will explain why community risk reduction is important.

Conducting Effective Performance Appraisals
This independent online course explores the basic elements of the performance appraisal process and provides instruction for the fire department supervisor on how to prepare for and conduct work plan sessions, performance evaluations and performance appraisal interviews. This course provides one hour of training for those in the fire service. Conducting Effective Performance Appraisals is NOT A POST APPROVED COURSE and therefore WILL NOT BE SUBMITTED FOR POST CREDIT.

Constitutional Carry Act of 2021
This online course is designed to examine and restate the core concepts of the Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2021 and highlight the changes from the previous gun laws. This class will equip officers with a better understanding of how this law will impact the citizens of Georgia and law enforcement as a whole.

Cultural Adeptness in Law Enforcement
Interactions between public safety personnel and the community are often impacted by differences in background, culture, and life experience between the participants. As globalization brings increasing diversity to our communities, public safety personnel must navigate the challenges presented by these differences. This course will help public safety professionals identify and explain the key steps to becoming cultural adept.

Cultural Awareness
This independent online course is designed to provide tools for officers to recognize cultural differences and to ensure a stronger focus on positive community relations.

Cybersecurity: Protecting 911 Inside and Out
The purpose of this course is to provide telecommunicators and other public safety communications professionals information they need to help protect the Emergency Communications Center from cybersecurity threats.

De-escalation Options for Gaining Compliance
This online course meets the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council requirement for all peace officers to complete de-escalation training. This course does not fulfill the use of force training requirements. To fulfill that requirement, you may take the Use of Force course, which is available online through GPSTC. The online Autism and De-escalation course may also be used to fulfill the de-escalation training requirement.

Due Regard
This independent online training course was designed to present emergency vehicle operators with the legal issues which arise for the failure to use due regard when operating an emergency vehicle.

Effective Workplace Communication
This course is designed for public safety professionals who need to effectively communicate with a variety of people who possess different people styles. Topics will range from styles of social behavior, how behavior styles affect interpersonal communication, suggestions for interacting with people who have a different behavioral style, and specific challenges to effective communication and how to overcome them.

Elections and Polling Place Security
The purpose of this course is to educate law enforcement officers and other relevant personnel on their specific roles and responsibilities in maintaining a secure and orderly voting process during American elections. This course clarifies responsibilities, enhances coordination, promotes best practices, reinforces legal guidelines, and builds the confidence of the citizens of Georgia to ensure a positive voting environment and confidence in our government.

Emotional Wellness in NG911 Environment
According to APCO International's Report on the Broadband Implications for the PSAP, public safety telecommunicators will "be exposed to graphic images and videos, significantly amplifying the already stress-inducing voices and sounds they contend with today." Public Safety Telecommunicators will need the tools to build "mental and emotional resiliency to handle stressors at a greater frequency and severity." This training course is designed to address this issue. Topics include stress, chronic stress, trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, emotional wellness, resiliency, career survival, and self-care with a special emphasis of the new exposures that the NG911 environment will bring.

Essentials of Law Enforcement Driving
The purpose of this course is to reduce crashes through risk awareness, knowledge of vehicle dynamics that affect performance and capability, and principles of sight, space, speed and direction management.

Ethics and Professionalism
This independent online training course is designed to provide officers with a review of the basics of law enforcement ethics and professionalism. Topics include the canons of police ethics, stakeholders and their expectations, and ethical practices for maintaining professional standards.

Evidence Collection & Preservation
This independent online training module is designed to present law enforcement officers with information to properly collect and preserve evidence.

Eyewitness Identification
This course was designed to present law enforcement officers with alternative methods and best practices of conducting identification procedures to greatly enhance eyewitness identification accuracy. This course is recognized by the Peace Officers Standards and Training Council as one of the courses currently mandated by law for peace officer recertification.

Family Violence
This independent online course is designed to present law enforcement officers with information to enhance their safety while responding to family violence incidents.

Fire and Life Safety Educator II (MAR 2025)
This course is a continuation of Fire and Life Safety I designed to provide the public fire and life safety educator with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully perform the requirements of a Fire and Life Safety Educator II as required by NFPA 1030 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Prevention Program Positions, Chapter 10.

Fire Investigator - Module 1 (MAY 2025)

Fire Investigator - Module 2 (FEB 2025)
This course provides comprehensive, in-depth knowledge and resources to candidates who are charged with the responsibility of investigating and analyzing fire and explosion incidents and rendering opinions as to the origin, cause, or prevention of fire incidents and the damage and injuries from such incidents.

Fire Origin & Cause Determination for Company Officers (MAR 2025)
This course will provide suppression personnel and entry-level fire investigators with initial training and education on the fire service responder's responsibility in the process of fire investigations.

Fire Origin & Cause Determination for Company Officers (MAR 25 2025)
This course will provide suppression personnel and entry-level fire investigators with initial training and education on the fire service responder's responsibility in the process of fire investigations.

Fire Services Incident Planning Process - The Planning P
This independent online course provides instruction on Emergency Incident Planning as presented through the National Incident Management System (NIMS). This course provides one hour of training for those in the fire service. Fire Services Incident Planning Process - The Planning P is NOT A POST APPROVED COURSE and therefore WILL NOT BE SUBMITTED FOR POST CREDIT.

Fostering Positive Community Relations
This online course is the first in a series designed to address positive relations between law enforcement officers and the community.

Fundamentals of Drug Identification
This program centers around the recognition of narcotics, controlled substances, and prescription drugs commonly manufactured, sold, possessed, and used in violation of federal and state laws. Topics include defining what a drug is, discussing the seven categories of drugs, and how they are scheduled, examining the most common drugs that a public safety officer may encounter, and how to properly charge an offender. This course will focus on the substances, their identity, and their effects on the human body.

GA CIT Training for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators (MAR 11 2025)
The purpose of this blended course is to teach 9-1-1 telecommunicators advanced telephone de-escalation skills for calls involving consumers with mental illnesses, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and/or who are suicidal, as well as learning to implement self-care techniques for themselves.

GA CIT Training for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators (MAR 13 2025)
The purpose of this blended course is to teach 9-1-1 telecommunicators advanced telephone de-escalation skills for calls involving consumers with mental illnesses, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and/or who are suicidal, as well as learning to implement self-care techniques for themselves.

GA CIT Training for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators (MAR 26 2025)
The purpose of this blended course is to teach 9-1-1 telecommunicators advanced telephone de-escalation skills for calls involving consumers with mental illnesses, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and/or who are suicidal, as well as learning to implement self-care techniques for themselves.

GA CIT Training for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators (MAR 4 2025)
The purpose of this blended course is to teach 9-1-1 telecommunicators advanced telephone de-escalation skills for calls involving consumers with mental illnesses, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and/or who are suicidal, as well as learning to implement self-care techniques for themselves.

Gang Awareness
This online course provides officers with information regarding gangs, the Georgia Street Gang Prevention and Terrorism Act, and how to better interact with gangs in the State of Georgia. Topics will include the history of gangs, the significance of social media and gang influence, gang-related crimes, gang indicators and their meanings, and mitigation strategies for gang-related crimes. This course meets POST Governor's Initiative training requirements for gang awareness.

Generative AI
This interactive online course is designed to present GPSTC staff with information to better understand what Generative AI is, its uses on the job, its reliability, and its limitations so as to facilitate a more efficient work flow.

Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Crash Report Update Training
This course will provide law enforcement officers with the updated information contained in the new Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Crash Report. Applicants who complete this online module will receive one (1) hour of POST training credit.

Handling TTY Calls
This independent online course provides communication officers with an overview of legal requirements that impact communication impairments, a review of TTY equipment, and proper protocol when communicating with TTY users.

Hate Crimes
This course is focused on the steady increase of hate crimes in Georgia over the past few years. Bias crimes can have a unique effect on the victim. Therefore, it is vital to learn about hate crimes and how to respond. Topics will include hate crimes and characteristics, effective police response to hate crimes, and the ongoing role of law enforcement with victims and the community. All public safety professionals need to be able to identify and report hate crimes; the information in this course provides a basic awareness of the issue and will be helpful to all public safety disciplines.

Human Trafficking and the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
The Human Trafficking and CSEC online course provides public safety personnel with information needed to help identify potential cases of human trafficking. The course contains tips for interacting with possible victims, including how to approach and communicate with them in a way that enhances cooperation and furthers the investigation. Students will learn what they can do to assist victims of trafficking. Additionally, students will learn about available resources to aid in the investigation.

Human Trafficking Awareness for Telecommunicators
This course is designed to highlight how telecommunicators must be properly equipped with resources to combat human trafficking. Human Trafficking Awareness for Telecommunicators will focus on defining human trafficking, describing indicators of human trafficking, and suggesting appropriate assistance resources.

Human Trafficking Awareness Training
This online training course provides you with an understanding of how human trafficking affects our State and how you can be part of the solution to help eliminate this problem in our communities. As a State employee and public servant, you play an important role in all aspects of Georgia business. As such, you may encounter human trafficking victims in your own community. By teaching you to identify red flags and outlining steps for reporting human trafficking, you will become a trained eye working to stop this crime. Georgia believes in the power of knowledge and is committed to the ideal that an informed public is its best asset – Awareness is Georgia's strongest tool!

Inmate Manipulation
This course will identify manipulation techniques inmates attempt to use against employees, and will provide employees with the knowledge to prevent inmate manipulation.

Instructor Training Level I (MAR 2025)
This course is designed for the public safety officer who instructs in performance oriented training and is responsible for lesson plan development. Topics range from instructor liability and lesson plan design, to testing and evaluation of learning. During the course, each student writes an original lesson plan on an approved public safety topic and develops the presentation skills necessary to deliver that lesson.

Instructor Training Level II (MAR 2025)

Intellectual and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
This course is designed to provide public safety personnel the information they need to recognize when a person has an intellectual or neurodevelopmental disability and how to best respond to the unique needs of these individuals. Intellectual and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities will provide techniques to identify individuals, describe common law enforcement encounters, explain the rate of victimization, and review general rules for de-escalation.

Introduction to CJCC Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System
This course is designed to provide the law enforcement community the tools they need to better serve sexual assault survivors through the use of the CJCC Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System (SAKTS), mandated by House Bill 255, "The Sexual Assault Reform Act of 2021." CJCC has created a system to track sexual assault kits from initial collection through receipt, analysis, and storage. In addition to law enforcement, the reform act requires all forensic medical providers and the state crime lab to participate in the system and to provide updated information on any sexual assault kits in their possession. This course is video-based and will provide students with information on those entities required to participate in the SAKTS program, guidelines for accessing and navigating the SAKTS, and how to access reports in the system.

Introduction to Community-Based Sexual Assault Response Teams for Local Law Enforcement
This course provides an introduction to the community-based Sexual Assault Response Team (SART).

Introduction to Gangs in Georgia
The course provides officers with information regarding gangs, the Georgia Street Gang Prevention and Terrorism Act, and how to better interact with gangs in the State of Georgia. Topics will include barriers faced by uniform patrol officers with gang investigations, different types of gangs and the importance of their identification, gang indicators and their meanings, and reasons for joining gangs.

Introduction to Next Generation 911
The purpose of this course is to introduce telecommunicators and other emergency responders to Next Generation 911, in order to help them understand the operational impact of the emerging technologies related to this shift from legacy 911.

Introduction to Sexual Assault Response
This course will focus on introducing officers to protocols on how to properly respond to cases involving sexual assault. Topics will include: key principles to interacting with and interviewing victims, understanding the suspect interview from the SART perspective, identifying the four typologies of adult sexual assault offenders, discussing the current state of DNA collection in Georgia, and expanded DNA testing, providing additional resources available through the Task Force in order to seek justice for families of victims in cold case homicides with a sexual assault component, identifying screening questions for obtaining a strangulation history, and determining signs and symptoms of strangulation, and evidence collection.

Introduction to Terrorism
This course will identify terrorist objectives and motivations, differentiate the categories of international and domestic terrorism, and review historical and potential tactics of terrorists.

Journey to Midnight with Matt Griffin
This video podcast episode features an interview between Matt Griffin and GPSTC host Kevin Angell, Ph.D. as they highlight Matt's journey through some of the hardest times in his life. Matt shares his emotional story about his law enforcement career, personal life, and more and what led him to believe that suicide was the answer to everything. Matt discusses some of the worst moments in his career and life and how they affected him mentally. Matt and Kevin talk about the book, Journey to Midnight, which is the memoir about his traumatic journey as US Navy Search and Rescue swimmer to a career as a police officer and undercover cop. Matt shares the heartbreak of divorce, the joy of single fatherhood, the dark streets of the drug underworld, and the thing that almost killed him, which claimed the lives of 228 police officers in 2019, and 22 military veterans per day - SUICIDE.

Leadership in Public Safety: Theory & Practice (FEB 2025)
This course will lay the foundation for our next generation of leaders to become successful supervisors. Completion of the course provides the student with knowledge and skills needed and used by a first-line supervisor. Leaders today are expected to have technical and professional competence in their jobs as well as competence in interpersonal relations. Students will participate in groups, open forum discussions, and complete multiple reading assignments and projects to further their understanding of the learning objectives.

Leadership in Public Safety: Theory & Practice (MAR 2025)
This course will lay the foundation for our next generation of leaders to become successful supervisors. Completion of the course provides the student with knowledge and skills needed and used by a first-line supervisor. Leaders today are expected to have technical and professional competence in their jobs as well as competence in interpersonal relations. Students will participate in groups, open forum discussions, and complete multiple reading assignments and projects to further their understanding of the learning objectives.

Living a Balanced Life
This interactive online course is designed to present public safety personnel with the tools to practice individual awareness and resiliency, financial responsibility, spiritual resiliency, the impact of proper sleep, nutrition, and wellness, and strategies for increasing resilience and wellness on the job and in their personal lives.

Mental and Emotional Wellness
Given the stress inherent to the public safety profession, it is critical that officers know how to identify and respond to stress in their own lives, and the lives of their colleagues. The mental and emotional wellness of first responders has a direct correlation to the level of service those responders are able to provide their communities. This course provides public safety personnel with ways to recognize and manage their stress.

Opioid Overdose Prevention and Response Training
This course is designed for public safety professionals who may respond to a potential opioid overdose. Naloxone training will cover how to recognize the signs and symptoms of an overdose, the skills needed to administer naloxone as a life saving measure.

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs: An Introduction
Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs is designed for the officer and/or investigator who may encounter an outlaw motorcycle gang. The course provides a brief history and origin of the term "one percenter," and focuses on how to recognize the outlaw motorcycle gang structure and their beliefs. Also, outlaw motorcycle gangs in Georgia will be discussed.

Police Legitimacy and Procedural Justice for Community Relations
This course is designed to provide officers with the tools to apply the concepts of police legitimacy and procedural justice in order to build trust and to ensure a stronger focus on positive community relations.

Police-Press Relations During Events of Public Interest

RADAR Refresher
This course provides those students who currently possess RADAR Operator Certification with up to date information and the necessary training to maintain their competencies in speed detection by RADAR in accordance with GA POST Council standards.

Reference Series - Foreign Nationals
The purpose of this course is to ensure that any officers who come in contact with a foreign national, who’s under arrest, are equipped with the correct information, the specific steps, and the required materials to contact the appropriate consular officer.

Reference Series - Probable Cause, Arrests and Civil Custody
What percentage of the time can we tolerate mistakes when it comes to making decisions in the field based on the concepts of criminal procedure? The answer is of course zero percent. Operating without a thorough - and current - understanding of statutory and case law is essential to protecting the constitutional rights of all persons interacting with the criminal justice system and reducing liability for officers and agencies. This course is intended to establish, refresh and revise the core concepts of criminal procedure for all law enforcement officers.

Reference Series - Stop & Frisk (Part 1)
This online course takes a deep dive into the landmark U.S. Supreme Court 1968 decision Terry v. Ohio. What were the facts of the case? What did Detective McFadden write about the incident in his single page report typed on a mechanical typewriter? What were the arguments both for, and against the authority to stop and frisk? Why did the Supreme Court decide the case the way it did? These questions, and more will be answered in the first part of three Reference Series courses on Terry v. Ohio. Part 1 focuses on the decision itself. In future courses, Part 2 will focus on the authority to "stop" and Part 3 will address the "frisk."

Residential Safety Surveys for Fire Departments
This course discusses the steps involved in planning and implementing a residential safety survey program for your community. The information, advice, and education you provide on a residential safety visit, as well as the alarms that you install, will save lives, and make your community members more secure.

Responding to First Amendment Audits
The Responding to First Amendment Audits course is intended to give police officers the necessary awareness and appropriate tools for response when coming in contact with citizen-journalists in challenging situations.

Response to Suspected Strangulation in Incidents of Domestic Violence
This course is designed to help law enforcement officers investigate strangulation incidents correctly, respond to victims in an appropriate manner, and gather evidence that will enable prosecutors to build strong cases against perpetrators.

Roll Call: Fire Services & EMS
Click "Access" then "Enroll Me" to view this content.

Safe Social Media for Law Enforcement
This course ensures that Law Enforcement will be able to responsibly navigate social media platforms while upholding legal and ethical standards, ensuring personal and professional integrity, and contributing to a safe and secure work environment.

School Resource Officer (APR 2025)
The purpose of this course is to train law enforcement officers in the functions, duties, and responsibilities of the School Resource Officer (SRO), and be consistent with State and Federal court decisions.

School Resource Officer (MAR 2025)
The purpose of this course is to train law enforcement officers in the functions, duties, and responsibilities of the School Resource Officer (SRO), and be consistent with State and Federal court decisions.

Sex Trafficking
Human trafficking consists of different types of trafficking, including labor trafficking and sex trafficking. This course will focus on the growing problem of sex trafficking in Georgia. Sex Trafficking is a hard topic to discuss, but in order to end trafficking, it is important to recognize and discuss the signs. As an officer, you are the one who will encounter traffickers and their victims during the normal course of operations - such as, routine traffic stops, on domestic violence calls, while inspecting liquor licenses, and when intercepting truant children. It's time to recognize the signs, and fight back against in human trafficking in Georgia.

Sexual Assault Evidence Collection
The Sexual Assault Investigation: Evidence Collection online course is designed to explain rapist typologies and introduce officers to skills and techniques for identifying, collecting, and preserving evidence during sexual assault investigations.

Sexual Assault Investigation Best Practices
The Sexual Assault Investigation: SART Best Practices online course is designed to provide officers with skills and techniques for investigating sexual assault cases. This course introduces officers to the skills needed for the initial response, explains how to incorporate a victim-centered and trauma-informed approach to investigations, techniques of an offender-based response, and cultural competency for sexual assault investigations.

Sexual Assault Investigation: Understanding Trauma and its Impact on Victims of Sexual Assault
The Sexual Assault Investigation: Understanding Trauma and its Impact on Victims of Sexual Assault Course is an interactive online course designed to provide officers with skills and techniques to utilize when responding to sexual assault calls for service. The course assists responding officers with skills to recognize psychological trauma and techniques to effectively interact with victims of sexual assault.

Smoke Alarm Installation Programs
Given the need to increase community safety, students will be able to plan and implement a community smoke alarm installation program in accordance with best practices and national recommendations.

Sovereign Citizen Encounters
This course is designed to familiarize officers with individuals with sovereign citizen and violent extremism ideals an officer may encounter during their tour of duty. Students in this course will be provided with communication skills that may be helpful during encounters with these individuals.

Speech Disorders
Speech Disorders is a two hour independent online course designed to provide communications officers an in-depth overview of speech disorders that can hinder effective communication with callers. This course covers a variety of topics to include: the requirements for emergency communications, different types of speech disorders, and the differences between stuttering and cluttering. Upon completion of this training, communications officers will be equipped with the skills needed to communicate with callers that have communication disabilities due to speech disorders.

Start the Conversation
Start the Conversation is a video-based informational briefing designed to provide students with information about public safety induced stress and PTSD. It also provides public safety personnel with information for recognizing the symptoms of stress, PTSD, and suicide. The video includes personal stories from public safety personnel from law enforcement, fire, ems, and communications. Information is provided about peer support, CISM, and other resources available to public safety when faced with stress, PTSD, thoughts of suicide, and line of duty injuries or deaths.

State Gas Card Program
This course is required for any GPSTC employee who could potentially drive a state vehicle. The course, developed by the Department of Administrative Services Office of Fleet Management, provides employees with information regarding the use of the statewide fuel card standards and guidelines. Additionally, the course provides employees the opportunity to review GPSTC policy 5.0015, "State Gas Card Program" and to acknowledge the differences between the state policy and our stricter GPSTC policy.

Succession Development - Preparing Candidates for Fire Chief
This independent online course provides fire service leaders with an overview of succession development strategies. This course provides one hour of training for those in the fire service.

Taking Action Against Cancer in the Fire Service
The purpose of this course is to increase awareness of the risks associated with cancer in the firefighting profession and provide mitigation strategies to decrease firefighter job-related deaths attributable to cancer.

Test Management & Administration
Test Management and Administration is a three hour interactive online course designed for academy instructors. This course contains instruction for managing and administering tests, including information pertaining to the ideal testing environment, test irregularities, and test security.

The Realities of Organized Crime

Transporting Prisoners
This independent online training module is designed to present law enforcement officers with information to enhance their safety while transporting prisoners.

Turning Anguish Into Advocacy – A Father’s Journey to Make Schools Safer After the Parkland School Shooting
This video podcast episode features an interview between Max Schachter and GPSTC host Kevin Angell, Ph.D. as they highlight Max's journey from anguish to advocacy. Max shares his pain, vulnerability, and unrelenting drive for accountability during the four years since his son was murdered in the Parkland, Florida school shooting. Max speaks not only from the perspective of a father of a victim of mass violence, he is also a commissioner on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission that was tasked with investigating the worst high school shooting in US history. He has worked as an advisor to the FBI and U.S. Secret Service on preventing targeted violence, and he is a staunch advocate for developing a standard of care to assist law enforcement leaders following a mass event.

United Success: Interoperability with the Department of Community Supervision
In this course, students will gain an understanding of the operations of the Department of Community Supervision (DCS), and how the Department of Community Supervision can assist the student in the performance of their duties as a law enforcement officer.

Use of Force
This online course meets the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council requirement for all peace officers to complete training on the Constitutional and legal limitations of the use of force. This course does not fulfill the de-escalation training requirements. To fulfill that requirement, you may take the Introduction to De-escalation Options for Gaining Compliance course or the Autism and De-escalation course.

Use of Force Video Podcast
This video podcast episode features an interview between GPSTC host Kevin Angell, Ph.D, Glyn Corbitt from GPSTC, and Chris Hosey from the GBI. The three discuss case law pertaining to use of force, objective reasonableness, where we are today with understanding use of force, and much more. They discuss Graham v. Connor and some of the pit falls that we see in report writing and documenting use of force.

Vehicle Pullovers
This independent online training module is designed to present law enforcement officers with information to enhance their safety while conducting vehicle pullovers.